Binnopharm Group organised a Large-Scale Forum of Pulmonologists in Moscow
The pharmaceutical company Binnopharm Group gathered the key experts in the field of pulmonology from different regions of the country at the unique scientific forum «In the Focus of Attention». Speakers at the event included the leading Russian pulmonologists, who went into detail about new approaches to the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which is a modern healthcare burden. Issues of productive cough treatment in acute and chronic bronchitis were also raised.
The scientific forum with a panel discussion and clinical case study provided for the discussion of updated clinical recommendations for COPD therapy with the inclusion of mucolytics as a baseline therapy, individual treatment for different patient phenotypes, as well as the results of the first Russian academic research work on the use of the latest mucolytic generation for the acute bronchitis treatment. The programme was developed so as to engage the participants and offer the most advanced solutions to the urgent concerns.
The forum was chaired by the Director of the Clinic of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine of the I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Head of the Pulmonology Department, Head of the Clinical Department of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Pulmonology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Chief Consulting Pulmonologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergey Nikolaevich Avdeev.
Sergey Nikolaevich Avdeev: «The topic of COPD, the topic of acute bronchitis are very relevant. The approaches discussed at the forum «In the Focus of Attention» are quite literally the health of our patients, the health of our country. The event was attended by peer pulmonologists, therapists; all regions have been represented, which is important for getting the complete picture of the modern approach to the treatment of such significant diseases».
Professor of the Department of Pulmonology of the Faculty of Additional Professional Education at the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education N. I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, member of the GOLD Expert Board on part of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Science, co-chairman of the forum, Professor Zaurbek Ramazanovich Aysanov: «The today’s topic goes beyond the scope of pulmonology. If we talk about the symptoms, then the symptom of coughing itself is one of the most widespread in medicine. Pain, shortness of breath, and cough — this is exactly what the triad of symptoms faced most often in the clinical practice looks like. And any drug that allows struggling with these symptoms thanks to a particular mechanism definitely deserves special attention from both general practitioners and narrowly focused specialists. Elmucin® (active ingredient — erdosteine) is a drug of the latest generation, having an extensive evidentiary basis and being a prodrug by its nature, which provides for a versatile effect and correlation of high efficiency and safety. This is certainly very useful for a high-quality therapy».
The results of the first Russian observational programme aimed to study erdosteine in the treatment of acute bronchitis were presented by Andrey Alekseevich Zaytsev, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Federal State Budgetary Institution N. N. Burdenko Main Military Clinical Hospital, Department of Pulmonology with an allergology course at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education ROSBIOTECH: «We analysed the efficacy and tolerability of the product Elmucin® (erdosteine molecule) in comparison with a standard (real-life clinical practice) mucoactive therapy in adults with acute bronchitis. The obtained results confirmed that antibiotics are generally not required in acute bronchitis. This disease is associated with a viral infection. An effective mucolytic therapy allows achieving a significant regression of productive cough, which is the main clinical symptom of this disease. Herewith, the mucoactive therapy duration in the Elmucin® group (erdosteine molecule) in acute bronchitis has been significantly lower than in the reference group, i.e. 4–5 days on average. I am sure that these data will provide for improving the therapy prescription to patients with acute bronchitis».
Binnopharm Group is continuously implementing specialist-oriented projects that allow professional community members to exchange opinions, discuss and bring forward solutions to challenges urgently faced by the Russian healthcare.
Anton Fedosyuk, Marketing Director of Binnopharm Group: «It is very important for us to be able to support the meeting of the leaders of the Russian pulmonology, and as a company, we are pleased to work on one of the tools, the «bricks» of the modern cough therapy, the mucolytic drug Elmucin®. We are following the path of creating a multi-purpose first-aid kit for the consumer, composing the portfolio of the brands that can be combined with each other. As of this date, the molecule that Binnopharm Group has added to its anti-cold portfolio is a modern treatment option for wet cough in adults».
The scientific forum with a panel discussion and clinical case study provided for the discussion of updated clinical recommendations for COPD therapy with the inclusion of mucolytics as a baseline therapy, individual treatment for different patient phenotypes, as well as the results of the first Russian academic research work on the use of the latest mucolytic generation for the acute bronchitis treatment. The programme was developed so as to engage the participants and offer the most advanced solutions to the urgent concerns.
The forum was chaired by the Director of the Clinic of Pulmonology and Respiratory Medicine of the I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Head of the Pulmonology Department, Head of the Clinical Department of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Research Institute of Pulmonology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency, Chief Consulting Pulmonologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergey Nikolaevich Avdeev.
Sergey Nikolaevich Avdeev: «The topic of COPD, the topic of acute bronchitis are very relevant. The approaches discussed at the forum «In the Focus of Attention» are quite literally the health of our patients, the health of our country. The event was attended by peer pulmonologists, therapists; all regions have been represented, which is important for getting the complete picture of the modern approach to the treatment of such significant diseases».
Professor of the Department of Pulmonology of the Faculty of Additional Professional Education at the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education N. I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, member of the GOLD Expert Board on part of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Science, co-chairman of the forum, Professor Zaurbek Ramazanovich Aysanov: «The today’s topic goes beyond the scope of pulmonology. If we talk about the symptoms, then the symptom of coughing itself is one of the most widespread in medicine. Pain, shortness of breath, and cough — this is exactly what the triad of symptoms faced most often in the clinical practice looks like. And any drug that allows struggling with these symptoms thanks to a particular mechanism definitely deserves special attention from both general practitioners and narrowly focused specialists. Elmucin® (active ingredient — erdosteine) is a drug of the latest generation, having an extensive evidentiary basis and being a prodrug by its nature, which provides for a versatile effect and correlation of high efficiency and safety. This is certainly very useful for a high-quality therapy».
The results of the first Russian observational programme aimed to study erdosteine in the treatment of acute bronchitis were presented by Andrey Alekseevich Zaytsev, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Federal State Budgetary Institution N. N. Burdenko Main Military Clinical Hospital, Department of Pulmonology with an allergology course at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education ROSBIOTECH: «We analysed the efficacy and tolerability of the product Elmucin® (erdosteine molecule) in comparison with a standard (real-life clinical practice) mucoactive therapy in adults with acute bronchitis. The obtained results confirmed that antibiotics are generally not required in acute bronchitis. This disease is associated with a viral infection. An effective mucolytic therapy allows achieving a significant regression of productive cough, which is the main clinical symptom of this disease. Herewith, the mucoactive therapy duration in the Elmucin® group (erdosteine molecule) in acute bronchitis has been significantly lower than in the reference group, i.e. 4–5 days on average. I am sure that these data will provide for improving the therapy prescription to patients with acute bronchitis».
Binnopharm Group is continuously implementing specialist-oriented projects that allow professional community members to exchange opinions, discuss and bring forward solutions to challenges urgently faced by the Russian healthcare.
Anton Fedosyuk, Marketing Director of Binnopharm Group: «It is very important for us to be able to support the meeting of the leaders of the Russian pulmonology, and as a company, we are pleased to work on one of the tools, the «bricks» of the modern cough therapy, the mucolytic drug Elmucin®. We are following the path of creating a multi-purpose first-aid kit for the consumer, composing the portfolio of the brands that can be combined with each other. As of this date, the molecule that Binnopharm Group has added to its anti-cold portfolio is a modern treatment option for wet cough in adults».