In 2023, Binnopharm Group's production facilities increased output of pharmaceuticals for Russian and foreign markets

In 2023, Binnopharm Group's production facilities increased the overall output of pharmaceuticals to 371 mln packs. The company's products are available in all Russian regions and are exported to 13 countries, including Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Belarus, and Armenia.

Syntez PJSC  in Kurgan - the largest Binnopharm Group production facility and the largest producer of antibiotics in Russia - last year produced more than 267 mln packs of medicines of various therapeutic groups - antibacterial, cardiac drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, ophthalmologic and cold remedies, drugs for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. The production portfolio of the facility includes about 250 drugs and 18 dosage forms (syrups, solutions, drops, sprays, powders, tablets, capsules, ointments, gels, etc.). About half of the products are made from the company's own active pharmaceutical substances. The company is implementing a large-scale modernization project - several important production areas are expected to be launched this year.

ALIUM JSC in Obolensk, Moscow Region, the second largest facility of Binnopharm Group, has again increased its manufacturing output by 25 % to 85.5 million packs in 2023. The facility produces drugs in such therapeutic groups as pulmonology, neurology, cardiology, gastroenterology, infectious and cold diseases, phlebology, urology, antibiotics and antiseptics, and painkillers.

Other production sites of the company in Moscow, Moscow Region and Stavropol also increased production of pharmaceuticals to a total of 29.5 mln packs.

Rustem Muratov, Chief Executive Officer of Binnopharm Group: "In 2024, our production facilities will continue to increase volumes and expand product lines, in particular for export supplies. Our products are available in 13 countries now, but we plan to increase this number in the near future. At the end of last year, 35 new products were transferred to our R&D center for development, 22 new products are now being registered for launch in the CIS markets, and we are preparing 10 drugs for registration in the markets of South-East Asia".

All Binnopharm Group facilities operate in full compliance with GMP standards and are equipped with high-tech equipment. The company invests about RUB 2 billion annually in the modernization and technological development of its facilities. In addition, the companies are expanding their product lines, offering the market more convenient preparations in more convenient packaging and dosages, and increasing production of antibacterials, painkillers, antipyretics, venotonics and other drugs.