Khafiz Gafurov Appointed Chief Financial Officer of Binnopharm Group
Binnopharm Group, a leading Russian pharmaceutical company, announces the appointment of Khafiz Gafurov as Chief Financial Officer.
Khafiz graduated from V. I. Lenin State University in Makhachkala with the major in Mathematical Methods in Economics. Before joining Binnopharm Group, he was engaged in corporate finance in glass, household appliance and agricultural industries. He has extensive expertise and experience in both large-scale investment projects and actively growing companies.
Khafiz’s functional responsibilities will include, among other things, execution of the project to implement a unified information system, setting up the Company’s payment infrastructure, analysis and further optimization of operational processes and development of financial functions (accounting, planning and analysis, treasury), which will allow creating advanced financial instruments in order to support active business growth and maintain an acceptable level of risk.
Binnopharm Group has manufacturing sites in different regions of Russia and unites such companies as Sintez, PJSC (Kurgan), Alium, JSC (Obolensk, Moscow region), Binnopharm, JSC (Zelenograd and Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region), and Biocom, JSC (Stavropol).
In 2023, the Company’s net revenue rose to 32.5 billion rubles. Adjusted EBITDA increased by 19% year-over-year to 9.5 billion rubles. The net debt at the end of the period totaled 12.7 billion rubles. The net debt/EBITDA ratio is at the target level of 1.3x.